Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blog 1


My name is John, and that’s pretty much all I have to say about that.  I’m 34, recently divorced, and the father of the greatest six-year old boy in the world, and that’s pretty much all I have to say about that at the moment too.  I work as a special education teacher’s assistant, where I try to help special needs children integrate into the classroom environment.  I have a wide range of interests, from astronomy to zoology, art, literature, music, comic books, etc.  I’m a bit hard to pin down.  Then again, so are we all. 

So, where to begin?  Oh yeah – one thing I always say is that “Life is a Work in Progress”.  This blog is part of that mantra, an attempt to catalog my life and work toward the changes I want to effect in my life. 

Life’s not been particularly good or bad to me.  Life just is, at the moment.  That’s fine for now.  Sometimes too much euphoria makes us soft, and makes us unprepared for the lean times, while too much despair breaks our spirit and leaves us at a loss to feel the warmth of better days.  These little interim times, the ‘days of balance’ if you will, give me the chance to gather myself and reflect. 

I started out the year unhappily married, 287 pounds, and stressed out beyond belief.  I am now 210 pounds, running 3-4 miles per day, exercising, and trying everything I can to improve myself.  As life to me is a work in progress, happiness, and the efforts to change my life are guaranteed to be more of a pursuit than an attainable goal.  What I mean is that I have sworn to myself to keep moving, to find new opportunities and work like a dog to affect the world around me, and therefore myself, in new and positive ways.  It’s been my impression that constantly striving to improve oneself is better than comfort – you tend not to forget from where you came.  Just my opinion. 

This blog is part of an experiment of sorts, a way to find meaning in the world and with my fellow man.  It’s more for my benefit than anyone else’s, but if it gives you some insight, or amuses you, or makes your day more interesting, then I hope you pass along the karma. 

Peace to you all.